بخشی از پاورپوینت

اسلاید 1 :


  • A field of psychology that focuses on development across the life span.
  • Development

–More-or-less predictable changes in behavior associated with increasing age

  • Nature or nurture?

–Nature: behavior unfolds like a plant over time

–Nurture: behavior is molded by experiences

اسلاید 2 :


Heritability Estimates – The proportion of the total variance in a trait that is attributable to genetic variation within a group.

اسلاید 3 :


Intelligence: .70

Neuroticism: .55

Depression: .44

Doing Crosswords: .55

Liking Sweets: .65

Playing Chess: .62

اسلاید 4 :

  • Maturation

–Biological process of systematic physical growth

–Experience plays a role in specific contexts

–McGraw’s study of toilet training twins

  • Children change dramatically from birth to adulthood

اسلاید 5 :

  • Imprinting (Lorenz)

–Inborn tendency or instinct

–Sensitive period – critical period

  • Early social deprivation

–Harlow’s monkeys, social isolation, and continuing detrimental effects

–Controversy over effects on children

  • Some abnormal effects may be irreversible

اسلاید 6 :

  • Normal for children to be variable in their development

–Discontinuities in development are the rule

–Parents make important decisions about raising children that impacts on development

  • Impact of technology and medicine

اسلاید 7 :

  • Stages – series of abrupt changes from one period to another –

–All children must pass through in same order

–More qualitative than quantitative (such as child mastering physical properties of object)

اسلاید 8 :

  • Identified 4 stages of cognitive development

Sensorimotor stage – infant experiences world in sensory information and motor activities

Preoperational stage – children sometimes think illogically by adult standards

Concrete operational stage – increased abilities

Formal operational stage – use of full adult logic

اسلاید 9 :

  • Moral development

–Three level, six stage theory

–Premoral level – child has no sense of morality as adults understand it

–Child’s moral view based on what others think until highest level of development creates independent thinking

اسلاید 10 :

  • Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory

–Focuses on the individual’s developing relationships with others in social world

–Eight stages - development continues over life span

–Crisis at each stage of development

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