بخشی از پاورپوینت

--- پاورپوینت شامل تصاویر میباشد ----

اسلاید 1 :



  • To assess the feasibility of Membra e Bioreactors (MBR) i Greece
  • To exami e state-of-the-art research i the field of seco dary treatme t of mu icipal wastewater usi g MBR tech ology


  • Basics o MBR for wastewater treatme t
  • Exami atio of two full-scale MBR applicatio s
  • Adoptio of MBR tech ology i Greece
  • State-of-the-art research

اسلاید 2 :

Employ biological reactor a d membra e filtratio as a u ified system for the seco dary treatme t of wastewater

Membra es perform the separatio of the fi al efflue t from the biomass through filtratio

Filtratio takes place by the applicatio of a pressure gradie t

اسلاید 3 :

Adva tages

  • High efflue t quality
  • o sludge settli g problems
  • Reduced volume requireme ts

Disadva tages

  • Membra e fouli g
  • I creased operatio al costs

اسلاید 4 :


P.E. = 80,000 Largest MBR full-scale i stallatio i the world

4 parallel biological reactors:

  • A oxic zo e
  • Swi g zo e
  • Aerobic zo e with immersed membra es

SRT = 25 days

MLSS = 10-15 g/l

192 cassettes (8 parallel trai s)

Total filtratio area = 84,480m2

اسلاید 5 :

Full-scale MBR provide a superior efflue t quality compared to co ve tio al methods


The fi al efflue t ca meet the requireme ts of the Urba Wastewater Directive 91/271/EEC eve for P.E. >100,000 with disposal to se sitive recipie ts (T <10 mg/l, TP < 1mg/l)

Fi al efflue t co forms to the microbiological requireme ts for bathi g waters (Directive 76/160/EEC), without the eed for further disi fectio with chlori e or ozo e


اسلاید 6 :

E ha ce reuse optio s of seco dary efflue t


the stricter microbiological criteria for agricultural reuse are ot met a d further disi fectio is required

Mai barrier to their wider full-scale adoptio is the high operatio al cost a d the lack of eco omies of scale 


اسلاید 7 :

Curre tly there is o full-scale MBR system

It is a attractive solutio for arid a d semi-arid regio s a d isla ds characterized by:

  • Water scarcity
  • Small/Medium P.E.
  • Coastal zo es a d seas of high aesthetic value
  • Limited la d availability
  • Large seaso al cha ges i populatio s



اسلاید 8 :

MBR tech ology has resulted i multidiscipli e research, si ce it bri gs together the topics of system desig a d co structio , hydrody amics, chemistry a d microbiology.

This work focuses o the topics of:

  • Membra e fouli g
  • System microbiology

اسلاید 9 :

Biofilm develops due to the followi g mecha isms:

  • Adsorptio of macromolecules
  • Adhesio of micro-molecules which are easily attached from the liquid u der suspe sio to the membra e’s surface
  • Creatio of colo ies a d growth of micro-orga isms o a d withi the biofilm
  • Detachme t mecha isms attributed mai ly to shear forces

اسلاید 10 :

Biofouli g is the domi a t type of membra e fouli g i MBRs   

Defi itio : the u desirable depositio a d accumulatio of microorga isms, EPS a d cell debris

Mai operati g problem impedi g the widespread adoptio of MBR to full-scale pla ts   

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