بخشی از پاورپوینت
--- پاورپوینت شامل تصاویر میباشد ----
اسلاید 1 :
ارزشیابی درس
پایان ترم 14 نمره
پژوهش ( ارائه شفاهی و کتبی مقاله معتبر 2010) 4 نمره
تمرین 2 نمره
اسلاید 2 :
Swarm intelligence
- Researchers are interested in a new way of achie ing a form of artificial intelligence, called swarm intelligence, or the emergent collecti e intelligence of groups of simple agents.
- The term has been used to refer to "any attempt to design algorithms and distributed problem-sol ing de ices inspired by the collecti e beha ior of social insect colonies and other animal societies.“
Bonabeau,Dorigo,Theraulaz, Swarm Intelligence, 1999
اسلاید 3 :
Collecti e Animal Locomotion
"li ing bridges"of ants made by ants
When one obser es an insect colony it appears that e ery single insect has its own agenda.... yet, the whole colony looks ery organized.
اسلاید 4 :
چرا سیستمهای هوشمند؟
- معرفی
- معیارهای هوشمندی
-یادگیری ) Learning)
-تصمیم گیری (Decision Making)
-تعمیم پذیری (Generalization)
-تطبیق پذیری ( Adaptation)
اسلاید 5 :
کاربردهايسيستمهای هوشمند
Artificial Life AI for De elopment
AI in Education AI and Law
AI in Medicine AI and Statistics
Blackboard Architectures Business, Economics, Finance
Cellular Automata Classification and Clustering
Cogniti e Science and Psychology Connectionism and Neural Networks
Constraint Satisfaction Cybernetics and Systems
Diagrams Distributed AI
Expert Systems in Agriculture Use of Computers in the Fine Arts
Fuzzy Logic Game Playing
Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming
Knowledge Acquisition Knowledge-based Scheduling
Knowledge Representation Logic Programming, Prolog
Machine Disco ery HCI: Human-Computer Interface Design
Machine Learning Natural Language Processing
Qualitati e Physics Robotics
Simulated Annealing Simulation
Symbolic Math Theorem Pro ers
Case-Based Reasoning Uncertainty
ision Research Commercial Systems: Kappa PC, ...
Miscellaneous: Artificial Morality, Intelligent Control, Intelligent Decision Support Systems, Frogs,
Meteorology, Natural World Problems, OOP Frameworks