بخشی از پاورپوینت
--- پاورپوینت شامل تصاویر میباشد ----
اسلاید 1 :
Bordetellapertussis Basics
- Aerobic, Gram negative coccobacillus
- Alcaligenaceae Family
- Specific to Humans
- Colonizes the respiratory tract
–Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
اسلاید 2 :
is a bacteriumidentified in 1900 by Jules Bordet and Octave Gengou but isolatedonly in 1906 because of the development of a medium containingpotatoesextract and rabbitblood
اسلاید 3 :
Estimated annual childhood deaths, 2002
Meningococcal (< 1%)
rotavirus (16%)
pneumococcal (28%)
Hib (15%)
measles (21%)
pertussis (11%)
yellow fever (1%)
diphtheria (<1%)
polio (< 1%)
10.5 million deaths under 5 years of age
1.4 million from diseases where vaccination is currently available
1.1 million from diseases where vaccines will be available by 2008
اسلاید 4 :
Pertussis in a vaccinated country vs a non vaccinated country
Low vaccine coverage
*High morbidity and mortality in infants
*Regularasymptomatic contacts throughout life
*Unknownepidemiology in adults
High vaccine coverage
*Lowmorbidity and mortality in infants
*Few asymptomatic contacts throughout life
*Increase in susceptible adolescents and adults
اسلاید 5 :
Why speaking about Pertussis?
- Iran pertussis incidence 2010 : 0.5/ 100000
- DTP3 coverage more than 95%
اسلاید 6 :
روند ميزان بروز سياه سرفه محتمل و پوشش واكسن ثلاثنوبت سوم
(جمهوري اسلامي ايران 1391-1370)
اسلاید 7 :
فراواني موارد محتمل سياه سرفه برحسب دانشگاه علوم پزشکی 1391
اسلاید 8 :
توزیع جغرافیایی موارد مثبت بیماری سیاه سرفه دركشور 1391
اسلاید 9 :
The severity of pertussis and the rapidity of its progression in young infants is effected by a number of factors such as:
- the presence of transplacentally acquired maternal antibodies to B. pertussis,
- the infectious dose of bacteria that the infant receives,
- co-infection with respiratory
viruses and perhaps genetic
factors related to the
pathogen or the infant.
اسلاید 10 :
- Short catarrhal period, longer convalescence period
- Cough,feeding abn, res distress,apnea,cyanosis, bradycardia, whoop uncommon,
- paroxysms and this may lead to apnea, gasp, hypoxia and occasionally seizures
- Initially the chest is clear on auscultation but in fatal cases B. pertussis pneumonia is always present.
- Co-infection with respiratory viruses (particularly RSV and adenoviruses) can confuse the diagnoses because of a bronchiolitic picture (air trapping and expiratory distress).