بخشی از پاورپوینت

--- پاورپوینت شامل تصاویر میباشد ----

اسلاید 1 :

منبع يابي  تكنولوژي (Technology sourcing )   

انتقال تكنولوژي (Technology Transfer )

اكتساب تكنولوژي ( (Technology Acquisition


اسلاید 2 :

 Organizational Modes of Tech. Sourcing

  • Formal modes:
  • More than 14 modes exist.
  • Informal modes

اسلاید 3 :

دو( يا چند) متحد برقرار كننده اتحاد هدف معيني  را در محدوده مشخص تعقيب كنند.

  • دستيابي به يك تكنولوژي يا يك نوآوري تكنولوژيك
  • دستيابي به بازار ساير متحدان
  • .....

دو متحد منابع (Resources)خود را به اشتراك بگذارند.

از نتايج اتحاد هر دو متحد استفاده مي كنند.

در خارج از محدوده اتحاد مستقل باقي بمانند.

اسلاید 4 :

اتحاد تكنولوژيك ( Technological Alliance)

„هدف برقراري ارتباط به دست آوردن يك تكنولوژي يا نوآوري تكنولوژيك است.

اسلاید 5 :

The most used mode is alliances, after internal R&D.

Internal de elopment is the major source of technology for Iranian firms.

Cooperati e modes and acquisition modes are used equally (77 cases ersus 74 cases for acquisition)

اسلاید 6 :

ØChoosing a mode (or a combination of modes) of TS

  • What are the characteristics of each mode?
  • What are determinants affecting modes of TS?

ØChoosing and monitoring source firm (partner)

ØComprising  cooperation strategy

اسلاید 7 :

The firms’ products characteristics  should ha e:

„ been de eloped with local patents or with a new technology

„A domestic parts ratio of o er 60 %

„Been de eloped for the first time in Korea without any technical collaboration from abroad

„quality comparable or better than foreign products as determined by a go ernment R&D institute

„Originality and not an exact copy of foreign product

„Used domestic parts only for critical functions




اسلاید 8 :

„A ailability of capabilities

ØIf the firm has all necessary capabilities

ØIf the required capabilities are not fount in any partner 

„Protecting proprietary technologies

„Controlling technology de elopment and use

ØTo ha e complete control on technology de elopment because:

üPragmatic reasons

üCultural reasons

„Building and renewing capabilities

ØSometimes the potential for creating and enhancing the firm’s capabilities may be more aluable than the inno ation itself.

„Lack of intellectual property rights


اسلاید 9 :

„Walt Gillette of Boeing (running Sonic Cruiser project):

 “Industry experience indicates that if the company doesn't create a new airplane every 12 to 15, years the needed skills and experiences will be gone.”

اسلاید 10 :

„To Enable firm obtaining skills or resources more quickly

ØExample: Apple and Canon alliance on Laser Writer

„To obtain some of the necessary resources and capabilities

„To learn from the partner.

„To share the cost and risks of projects.

„To facilitate the creation of a shared standard. 

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